The Assam Institute of Management (A Govt. of Assam Society), Guwahati is one of the nationally acclaimed management institutes of the North Eastern Region approved by the AICTE (Govt. of India). AIM was established by the Government of Assam in 1988 as an autonomous self-sustaining Management Institute governed by a Governing body. The Hon. Education Minister of Assam is the Ex-officio Chairman of the governing body. The institute focuses on Professional Management Education, Research & Consultancy as well as Training and Recruitment projects for Government of Assam. The institute conducts a 2 Year Full-Time Trimester based MBA degree, a 5-Year Full-time Integrated Management Programme, and a PhD Research centre in the field of Management affiliated to Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati, Government of Assam.
The institute’s vision is: “To be a vibrant, best-in-class Management Institute, nationally acclaimed and globally networked, committed to becoming a leader in management education, consultancy, training, research, creativity & innovation and a distinct hub for industry-academia interface.”
AIM is looking to fill the post of Director with suitable candidate coming from Academia or Industry subject to fulfilling the prescribed conditions. The applicant is expected to possess proven professional credentials and contributions in the field of Management Education, Research, Consultancy and Training with adequate experience in administration. As a Director, he/she would be responsible for overall management of the institution including generation of revenue for self-sustenance.
- From Academia – Professor (Level-14, as per 7 CPC) /Associate Professor (Level-13A, as per 7 CPC) should not be more than 61 years of age at the time of publication of this advertisement.
- From Industry – Candidates at Senior Management level in reputed organisations; should not be more than 60 years of age at the time of publication of this advertisement.
Qualifications of the applicants will be rated as follows:
(A) Applicants from Academia–
- Proven Academic Excellence, preferably with 1st Class throughout academic career.
- Ph.D. degree in Management / Commerce / Economics / any other relevant areas of Management.
- Minimum 15 years of experience in academic institute/research organization/industry/corporate, with a minimum of 3 years administrative experience.
- At least guiding two successful Ph.D. as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor
- Due weightage will be given for sponsored and consultancy projects. The applicant must be a PI or CoPI of the project(s). The weightage will be given to the applicant for conducting MDPs/QIPs/NPTEL/GIAN courses and organising conferences/seminars as Chair or Co-Chair.
(B) Applicants from Industry-
- Proven Academic Excellence, preferable with 1st Class throughout academic career.
- Preferably Ph.D. degree in Management / Commerce / Economics / any other relevant areas of Management.
- The candidate should have a minimum of 25 years of work experience of which at least 5 years should be at the Senior Management level with active participation record in devising /designing, developing, planning, executing, analysing, quality control, innovating, training, technical books/research paper publications/IPR/patents, etc. as deemed fit by the Search-cum-Selection Committee (SSC).
- Desirably guiding at least two successful Ph.D. as External Supervisor / Co-Supervisor.
- Applicant should have close association with academic institutes of repute as Professor Emeritus/ Honorary Professor/ Professor of Practice/ Adjunct Professor/ Visiting Professor etc.
- Preference will be given to applicants having track record of independently developing and administering academic programme/course/teaching pedagogy in the field of management in an institute of repute.
- Due weightage will be given to applicants conferred with fellowship/ patents/ awards/ recognition for their individual contribution in industry and research from reputed bodies and organisations.
- Flair for Management and Leadership is essential.
- Starting Pay Scale would be (Level-14) Rs.1,44,200/- with the special allowance of Rs.6,750/- per month. Other allowances as per Govt. of Assam rules. Additionally, 60 litres of Fuel per month for conveyance is also given.
- This position shall be of contractual in nature for Five (05) years or attainment of 65 years of age, whichever is earlier. The position can be extended for one more term depending upon the performance assessment carried out by the Governing Body of AIM and age eligibility.
- The Director shall be appointed by the Government of Assam on recommendation from the Governing Body after following due process of selection.
- The SSC will consider applications fulfilling the above criteria, received in response to this advertisement as well as nominations received from eminent persons from industry or management education.
- There is no category reservation policy applicable to this position.
- Eligibility and Qualifying criteria may be relaxed for applicants with extra-ordinary academic, research and industry contributions.
- Meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not automatically qualify the applicant for an interview call. The decision of the SSC will be final.
Qualified interested applicants should apply through the link “Start Application Process” available on this website. Applicants are requested to download and read instructions carefully before starting the application process. A print-out of the application form (received as attachment in mail after submission) duly signed on each page, should be sent to The Chairman, Search-cum-Selection Committee, Assam Institute of Management, Paschim Boragaon, Bigyan Path, (Opp. IASST), Guwahati, 781 035, Assam by post/courier. For any queries, applicants may send mail to the e-mail id:
All applications must reach AIM Office within 21 days from the date of publication of the Advertisement.